Junior High

Friday Group

ages 12-14

Welcome to Bryte Friday Group Junior High Ministry!

Our mission is to guide young hearts, shaped by God’s Word and led by the Holy Spirit, to live lives that exalt Christ.

Our vision is to nurture faithful followers of Christ, cultivate spiritual growth, and shape servants for God!

Join us every Friday for a time of fellowship, Bible Study, fun games and more. Our classes are structured specifically for middle schoolers, where we provide a safe and welcoming place where teens can grow in their faith, build lasting friendships, and discover their God-given potential!

Fridays, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm

We can’t wait to see you there!

Leader: Veniamin Dronov

V.I.P. Ministry

ages 11-16

Lord Almighty has Amazing Purpose for you, in order for you to see it, first you need to hear it.

VISIONRomans 10:17

  • Love God
  • Wanting to seek God
  • Wanting to hear about God
  • Wanting to learn about God


  • You ARE a child of God!
  • You ARE GIFTED from God
  • Identify your gift (calling) and perfect it (leaders are here to help)
  • Use your gift to serve others for the Glory of God

PURPOSEJeremiah 29:11

  • You are part of God’s Family (one body) working together for His purpose

Leaders: Mikhail & Yuliya Andreus

Legacy ministry

ages 5-16

To inspire fathers to be consciously active in the lives of their children, creating a culture of love, wisdom, and the transmission of spiritual values and practical skills to the rising generation.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with a decree of utter destruction.” – Malachi 4:6

Mikhail Andreus
Alexander Volchansky
Pavel Gorbenko
Andrey Dribnokhod
Pavel Karpov
Vladimir Litovchenko
Shaliko Matiashvili
Semyon Chernozubov

We invite fathers and their children.

Leader and pastor: Yuriy Sheyko

Grace and Lace

ages 11-14

We hope that through these lessons you, girls, will grow stronger in Christ and receive useful lessons for their future lives.

“Grace and Lace” is a class for teen girls ages 11-14. In this class girls will learn a variety of new skills. Examples include cooking, baking, cleaning, macrame, sewing, and more. Along with these lessons girls will have a chance to open their Bibles and dive into the word of God. Teens will also have a chance to have fellowship between each other and make new friends.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ.” – Colossians 3:23-24

Nadia Stetsenko
Olya Yepikhin
Natalya Ivanov