News & Announcements
Widows, Orphans, and Lonesome Ministry
Widows, Orphans, and Lonesome "Pure and undefiled piety before God and the Father is to look after orphans and widows in their sorrows and keep yourself undefiled from the world." – James 1:27 The Widows, Orphans, and Lonesome Ministry began as a small gathering of widows at Bryte Church in 2001, initiated by Tatiana Senina after she became a widow. Experiencing firsthand the need for support and encouragement, she, along with A. Krasnopivtsev, began inviting widows, orphans, and those living lonesome into her home. Over time, these gatherings moved to the church, and in 2006, with the
Monthly Newsletter
Bryte Church has a lot of things going on every week. Join our Monthly Newsletter to see all that we have planned. For weekly services, we post the service program online for upcoming services.